Business Systems

Business Systems Training Topics

Welcome to the Atomic Business Systems Training Topics Page.

This where you will find links to the relevant training guides, written versions of the live training/podcasts.

I have broken the Systems guides into 4 categories 

1. Why use Business Systems


2. Building Business Systems


3. Benefits of Systems


4. Types of Systems


Why use Systems

Building Systems

Benefits of Systems

Types of Systems

Business Systems

Building a Business that runs without you.

Without systems your business enslaves you, the business owner(s) are required 24/7- 365.

Without the owner(s) the business simply does not function. 

Systems allow a business to grow and scale, staff are empowered to make the right decisions without having to ask the owner(s). 

The value of the business increases, and the business owner can choose to work in or on the business. Systems are what allow the business owner(s) time freedom.

Understanding the 3 personalities Types of Business Owners


The doer – lives in the present.


The organiser – lives in the past.


The Dreamer – lives in the future

We are all mix of these 3 personality types, and understanding which of these is your dominant personality will help you be more aware of your strengths and weaknesses. 

The 3 business Activities

Income – Tactical Level – Technician
Impact – Operational Level – Manager
Investing – Strategic Level – Entrepreneur
As business a owner you need to spend a proportion of your time on each activity level.

The ideal mix for a business in Infancy is 70% – 20% – 10%

You must schedule 30% of your time for working on your business. That is 4 days per month of impact activities and 2 days of investing.

The Entrepreneur Trap

The E-Myth – being a great technician does not qualify you to run a business that does technical work.

The paradox of building systems – you are too busy to build the systems that reduce the amount of time you are required to work in your business.

Systems allow the business to grow scale, they enable every role to be duplicated, multiple times.

Once systemised a business can be duplicated anywhere.

The customer experience is always consistent, no matter who is carrying out the task.

The staff know their roles and responsibilities and can take ownership of outcomes.